Lo Ho Yan Skyla
Skyla Lo Ho Yan’s artistic practice is characterized by a distinct emphasis on individual experiences and everyday observations. Skyla excels in utilizing painting, wool, sound, and other mediums to craft her art, constantly exploring the vast possibilities of diverse artistic media.
Within her works, the essence of narrative holds significant prominence. Skyla endeavours to interweave textures and forms from various mediums, resulting in distinctive and captivating creations.
Her works serve as ongoing dialogues with the audience. Skyla aims to evoke emotional resonance through her art, inviting viewers to establish a profound connection by experiencing her works visually, tactilely, or even through auditory means.
Bowls and dishes
Size variable
If I accidentally break bowls and dishes, we can still use them if sewed up, right? Even if they were stitched, again and again, we can keep using them.
163cm x 45 cm
Our body is but a vessel. It is uniquely fragile without the soul. The creator uses wool to create and try to imitate the feeling of human’s skin. It is a warm and heavy body with a sense of paradoxical contrast.