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Public Seminar: In the balance of dual roles

公開討論會 –  藝術創作與教育發展的並行

Tuna Prize Judges Sharing


AVA Award Sharing 2024

視覺藝術創作獎分享會 2024

AVA Night


Date 日期:4/6/2023 (星期二 TUE)


Time 時間:15:00 – 16:30


Venue 地點:AVA Gallery, Kai Tak Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University,

51 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR

香港九龍觀塘道51號 香港浸會大學啟德校園視覺藝術院畫廊


Guest 嘉賓:Mr Kurt Chan Yuk-Keung 陳育強


Fee 參加費用:Free 免費


*This event will be conducted in Cantonese 本活動以廣東話進行






We are honored to have invited Mr. Kurt Chan Yuk Keung, a Hong Kong local artist, to discuss the balance between arts education and arts development with the participating teachers and students. Kurt Chan used to be a professor in the Department of Fine Arts at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and now he has retired and is back into art creation. Is there any conflict between arts education and arts development? Does a good art education represent a bad art development? Is arts education a viable path for graduates? Graduates and teachers are welcome to participate in this discussion.


Date 日期:8/6/2023 (星期二 TUE)


Time 時間:14:30 – 16:00


Venue 地點:AVA Gallery, Kai Tak Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University,

51 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR

香港九龍觀塘道51號 香港浸會大學啟德校園視覺藝術院畫廊


Guest 嘉賓:陳家浩, 鄭喆欣, 蔡雅思, 林曉雪


Fee 參加費用:Free 免費


*This event will be conducted in Cantonese 本活動以廣東話進行




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吞拿魚獎是由浸大視覺藝術院舊生設立的,該獎項旨在表彰應屆畢業生的傑出成就。這個獎項是由第一屆舊生於2009年提出並建立的,評審的角色將會由歷屆舊生擔任。通過開放的評審制度,提供了一個平台給年輕藝術家去討論,以便展望本地藝術的最新趨勢。因此,Tuna Prize對於每屆新畢業生來說都是一個具有特殊意義的獎項。我們希望這個獎項能夠由每年的新一屆畢業生繼續下去。今年的評審團將由2021至2023年的視覺藝術院畢業生組成,他們將從畢業展中選出優秀的作品,並頒發「吞拿魚獎」來特別表彰這些同學的出色表現。為了確保評審過程的公正和透明,我們邀請了院內學生和舊生參與現場旁聽,見證整個評選作品的過程,這是一個難得的機會。


The Tuna Prize was established by the former students of the School of Visual Arts of HKBU to recognize the outstanding achievements of recent graduates. The award was initiated and established by the first alumni in 2009, and the previous alumni will take up the role of jury. Through an open judging system, we provide a platform for young artists to discuss and look at the latest trends in local art. Therefore, the Tuna Prize is an award of particular significance to each new graduate. We hope the prize will continue to be awarded to a new class of graduates each year. A jury panel of AVA graduates from 2021-23 will select this year’s prize winner. Limited seats are reserved for AVA alumni and current students on jury day to witness the entire discussion and ensure the process’s openness.

Please refer to the website for the previous year‘s information:


Date 日期:8/6/2023 (星期二 TUE)


Time 時間:17:00 – 19:00


Venue 地點:AVA Gallery, Kai Tak Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University,

51 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR

香港九龍觀塘道51號 香港浸會大學啟德校園視覺藝術院畫廊


Fee 參加費用:Free 免費


*This event is conducted in Englsih本活動以英文進行




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一如既往,視覺藝術院今年頒發了 3個視覺藝術創作獎給予畢業生,表揚畢業生的表揚同學嘅優秀表演。此次分享旨在向學生和公眾傳播該獎項的價值和資訊,以及學院代表的意見。

The Academy of Visual Arts will showcase the AVA Award to three well-performing pieces of artwork to encourage graduates to continue their artistic endeavors after graduation as usual. The purpose of this sharing session is to spread the value and message of the award to students and the public, as well as the views of representatives of the Academy.


Date 日期:8/6/2023 (星期二 TUE)


Time 時間:19:30 – 21:30


Venue 地點:AVA Gallery, Kai Tak Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University,

51 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR

香港九龍觀塘道51號 香港浸會大學啟德校園視覺藝術院畫廊


Fee 參加費用:Free 免費


*This event will be conducted in whatever language you want 本活動你想講咩話都得


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歡迎所有AVA學生參加!!我哋今年會投票選出當日著裝要求~記得投啦! 投票結果將於六月五日中午十二點IG上宣布!


No job after graduation from art school? Feeling like you have limited career paths in the arts industry? Listen up!

The AVA Night is an opportunity for fresh graduates to listen firsthand to the experiences of seasoned alumni in their careers in the art world. Drinks and snacks will also be served. Participants can feel free to discuss and inquire about common experiences in the art world, such as finding studios, collaborating with art organizations, curating exhibitions, etc. This evening will be an excellent chance for the graduates to share their thoughts about the future. All recent graduates, AVA students, and alumni are welcome to join!

Additionally, this year’s AVA night will feature a mystery theme chosen by students. The results will be announced by 12 p.m. on June 5th.