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Unavailable Address
The Conversation: them 原來我和你之間只剩下它們
^ ^ ?
____ 痕,R爆都無用 Scratch ____ , incurably insolvable
¿Enteros o Refritos?
...But my absence is tiny like dust, and disappears into the universe... ...但我的存在如微塵般小, 消失在宇 宙之中...
"Grandpa's Reincarnation"
"PossibilityX" series 《可能性X》系列
"Time Escapist"
"Wishing Well Gallery " 「許願井畫廊」
“A Lump of Pure Sound”
Above the Granite II 花崗岩上 II
After Life 來世
Agglomerate the patches of boundary 凝聚斑駁之感
Along the way 園陶
Are you a robot? 你是機械人嗎?
Before It Ends 在它結束之前
Beheading Goose 斬鵝頭圖
Bonds in Progress 情感連結進行中
Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Breeding 瓜瓞綿延
But today, I am myself
Can You See Them? | 你又睇唔睇到? Could You Find Them? 你又揾唔揾到?
Coping 撫癒
Crab and Bondage 蟹與束縛
Déjà Vu
Detach 抽離
Dip Below Surface 浸入深淵
Driftwood 漂流木
Drip by drip 一滴一滴
Echo 迴響
Echo 迴
Entrance 入口
Ephemeral Presence 忽焉似有 | Vanishing Essence 再顧若無
Everywhere But Nowhere 所在不在
Family Microcosm 家庭微生態
Flowerpots, Horse Heads and a Bed on the Moon 花盆、馬頭和床在月亮上
Fossil Of Memories
Fragments of Dreams
from left to right, top to bottom
Grow 成長
Hong Kong Adventure with Evan and Lucy
Hong Kong Sartorial Guide 港.Fashion
I might need it someday 將來可能會用到它
I want you to remember 我想你記得
Ich verstehe dich nicht
Imprint Memory 印·記
In the Trees and the Cabinet
Inertia Creeps
Infinite Echoes
It 它
Just Passerby
Light in Water, Soul in Light 水中燈,燈中魂
Light 光光同源
ling 靈
Local Worker Story 陀地故事
Love it Want it Need it ? 你愛唔愛?
Lt Breast / Rt Breast
Making Biscuits 致敬愛的餅餅大神!
Mapping Invisible
Marks 跡
Microplastic Eating Diagram 微塑膠進食圖鑑
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the ___ of them all? 魔鏡魔鏡,呢個世界上邊個最_?
Moth Love 蛾愛
MTB Diving Fail 海底奇兵 | McDonald’s Song M記之歌 | Romance is about Breaking Habits 浪漫就係唔好慣
Mumbling Under the Walls 牆下喃喃
My Little Life 渺小一生
My Messy Universe 「我混亂的宇宙」
Naming and the Creator 命名與造物者
No Eyes Has Seen 眼睛未曾看見的
Nourish 育我
Numbering 數字的溫度
Obsession 一樁心事
One-Third 三分之一
one-two one-two one-two 一二 一二 一二
Pattoo 熊.貓.紋
Please Spirit Me Away 關於我早晨隱形了這檔事
Plinth 基座
Point NEMO 尼莫點
Realization: Opt & renounce 意識:選擇與放棄
Rebirth 轉生
Rumination 反芻
Safe corner 安全角落
Serendipity 不期而遇
Shaped 形狀
Silken Pressure 壓力如絲
Small yet definite misfortune 微小而確實的不幸
Sneak 潛行
Soap me 梘 我
Soul Oasis 心靈綠洲
State of Mind
Synthetic Porn - behind the scenes
The 42ⁿᵈ Negation 四十二次否定
The Abyssal 深淵
The Aftermath
The little light of daily life 生活的微光
The Plastic Bag
The Princess 公主
The Room
The Unexpected Expectation...!
Tides of Tenacity / Waves of Neuroplasticity
Till we meet again 緣起
Towards the horizon 視界之外
Tranquil Repose 歇
Unavailable Address
Unbearable 難以忍受
Untitled 無題
Untitled 無題
Untitled (Window) 無題(窗)
Utopia 樂 · 園 | Erosion 支 · 配
Walking After Night
Weird Community
What made me? 是什麼塑造了我?
What Remains 遺
Wide Awake 不可救藥
Wordless Conversation with the Sea 與海無言的對話
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Goooood Nite ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ 晚安, 瑪卡巴卡